AD3E Forte


Stress Vitamins

Composition: Each 5ml. contains

Vitamin A : 2,50,000 IU

Vitamin D3 : 30,000 IU

Vitamin E : 150 IU

Vitamin C : 500 mg.

Vitamin B12 :150 mcg.

Cooked proteins :150 mg.

Benefits: Poultry

• Vaccinations

• Deworming

• De beaking

• Transportations

• Chicks arrival time

• Disease

• Climatic fluctuations

• Low or peak egg productions

• Poor growths and body weights

Livestock :

Helps to get relief from stress

Helps to improve milk yield in dairy animals

Helps to recover fast during antibiotic therapy

and disease conditions

Helps to increase growth of the calves and

other animals.

Dosage: Poultry : 5-7 days

Chicks, Growers and Broiler Starters : 3 ml. / 100


Layers & Broiler finishers : 5 ml. / 100 birds

Breeders : 10 ml. / 100 birds

Live Stock :

Large animals : : 10 ml / animal / day / 5 days

Small animals : 3 ml / animal / day /

5 days (or) as advised by a veterinarian

Presentation: 100ml., 1000ml