Norfloxillin-200 Sol

Broad spectrum antibacterials 


 ● Norfloxacin is a kind of nalidixic acid derivatives. It is a synthetic fluoroquinolone of the third generation quinolones with a broad range activity against all of the main pathogenic mycoplasma and bacteria(both Gram-positive and negative) affecting poultry.
 ● Norfloxacin blocks the functions of DNA gyrase which is essential for synthesis of DNA nucleic acid. The details on the spectrum of activity indicate that the minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC) of microorganism is very low for this quinolone.


Composition:  Each L contains
Norfloxacin ....................... 200g


 - For the treatment of diseases caused by the below pathogens sensitive to Norfloxacin.
(1) Mycoplasma
  : M. gallisepticum, M. synoviae, M. meleagridis, M. hyopneumoniae and other Mycoplasma sensitive to Norfloxacin

 (2) Bacteria
: E. coli, Pasteurella spp., Salmonella spp., Borrellia spp., Streptococci spp., Staphylococci spp., Erysipelothrix rhusiopathae, Pseudomonas spp., Clostridia spp., Campylobacter spp.

Administration & Dosage: In the drinking water for 3~5 days
- General dosage : 0.5~1mL per 10kg of bodyweight.
- Poultry : 25~50mL in 100L of drinking water.

Cautions: 15 days.

Package: Bottles 100mL & 500mL