Stress-p wsp


Characteristics: ● Stress-P is a well balanced combination of essential vitamins and minerals for farm animals.

Indications: For the prevention and treatment of stress and dehydration, supplying of electrolytes, support of treatment of infectious diseases and growth promotion.

Administration & Dosage:  In the drinking water : 5~10g per 10L of drinking water for 3~5 days.
- Cattle : 50~100g per head
- Calves : 5~10g per head
- Swine : 5~20g per head
- Piglets : 1~2g per head.
- Poultry (Unit : 1,000 birds)


1~2 3 4 6 8 Over 10
Dosage(g) 6~10 14~16 20 40 80 100

Package: Sachets of 100g